All complaints made against the Department or its employees shall be investigated, including anonymous complaints. Anonymous complaints will be investigated to the degree possible. If no corroborative information or evidence results from the investigation and the complainant cannot be contacted for an interview, the complaint will be considered invalid.
Procedure for Filing a Complaint
- Attempt to meet or make arrangements to meet with the employee’s immediate supervisor. If it is unknown whom the employee’s supervisor is, please call (920) 459-3333 and ask for the on-duty supervisor. If the complaint does not concern any individual employee, but instead addresses a particular departmental policy or procedure, ask to meet with the Chief of Police or leave a message at (920) 459-3343.
- If the complaint cannot be resolved by the employee’s immediate supervisor, you will be asked to complete the complaint form which identifies the circumstances, nature, and extent of your complaint. The complaint form requests specific information which the Department needs in order to make a thorough investigation. Please be thorough and attempt to be specific regarding the nature of your complaint.
- Upon completion of the complaint form, print a copy and have the form notarized. The form can also be notarized at the Police Department. The notarization confirms the identity of the complainant, willingness of the complainant to pursue a complaint, and that the contents of the document are known to the complainant.
- Once the complaint form is completed and notarized, meet with a Police Supervisor to submit it. The Supervisor may have additional questions in order to clarify the contents and the nature of the complaint.
- Persons who initiate written complaints shall receive written acknowledgement from the Chief of Police or the Chief’s designee.
- The status of the investigation shall be communicated to the complainant periodically and at its conclusion.
- Investigations shall be completed within thirty (30) days from the time the written complaint is registered. Exceptions shall only be granted by the Chief of Police when extenuating circumstances are present.
- Persons making false statements in their complaints may be in violation of WI Stat. 946.32 and/or 946.41, and could be criminally prosecuted or given a forfeiture under WI Stat. 946.66.
Additionally, see our SPD Policy Manual, which contains more information about Departmental policies and procedures.
Police and Fire Commission
The Board of Police and Fire Commissioners has the power to appoint the Police and Fire Chiefs and to approve all promotions and appointments made by the chiefs. The commissioners are responsible for the hiring of all new police and fire personnel. The commission also reviews complaints. Commissioners receive appointment from the Mayor. For more information about the Board’s policies and procedures, click here.