Sheboygan Police Department officers are assigned to specific neighborhoods within the City. These neighborhood officers handle other calls throughout the city but pay particular attention to issues occurring within their assigned neighborhoods. The neighborhood officer is tasked with establishing positive relationships with residents of a neighborhood, being proactive and addressing quality of life issues, and finding long-tern solutions to reoccurring neighborhood problems.
To learn your neighborhood affiliation, the boundaries of the your neighborhood and your assigned neighborhood officers, please utilize the below Neighborhood Districts map.
Upon clicking the Neighborhood Districts Map, you are able to type in your address at the top of the display. This will bring you to your exact address and by utilizing (-) you will be able to view your neighborhood affiliation and boundaries. In addition, upon clicking within the neighborhood itself, you will again observe the name of your neighborhood along with the officers assigned to your neighborhood.
Officers are listed by shift. Each neighborhood primary officer also has his/her email listed.