General Information
Every dog, cat and miniature potbellied pig kept in the City of Sheboygan MUST have an annual license. The licenses are valid from January 1st thru December 31st of each year.
Payment Options
- Licenses may be obtained at the City of Sheboygan Police Department Department, 1315 N 23rd St, Sheboygan, WI 53081. In order to obtain a license, the owner MUST present a CURRENT RABIES CERTIFICATE verifying the animal has been vaccinated against rabies by a LICENSED VETERINARIAN to the Finance Cashier. If you prefer, you may fill out the application ahead of time. Please fill out one form per animal.
- You may also apply by mail. If mailed, please enclose one copy of the application for each animal being licensed, all applicable rabies certificate(s), and a check made payable to the City of Sheboygan. Mail all materials to the Sheboygan Police Department, 1315 N 23rd St, Sheboygan, WI 53081. You will be contacted to pick up the license when it is ready.
Note: A rabies tag is NOT accepted as proof of the rabies vaccination.
Current Pricing
Dog Licenses:
$10 for neutered or spayed dogs
$15 for un-neutered or un-spayed dogs
Licenses are due annually beginning on January 1st:
- if the dog is 5 months of age on January 1st;
- or reaches 5 months of age within the calendar year;
- or within 30 days of acquiring ownership of a dog and residing within the City of Sheboygan (Re: dogs older than 5 months of age).
Cat Licenses:
$5.25 for neutered or spayed cats
$12.25 for un-neutered or un-spayed cats
Licenses are due annually beginning on January 1st:
- if the cat is 13 months of age on January 1st;
- or reaches 13 months of age within the calendar year;
- or within 30 days of acquiring ownership of a cat and residing within the City of Sheboygan (Re: cats older than 13 months of age).
On April 1st of each year and thereafter, if any owner is delinquent in taking out a current dog, cat or miniature potbellied pig license, there shall be a $5.00 penalty fee added to the cost of each license. See the following ordinances for more info: dogs/cats and potbellied pigs.
Animal Fancier Permit
An animal fancier’s permit is required when a residence or business harbors more than three (3) domestic animals. If a person owns pets not requiring licenses, the cost of an animal fancier permit is $3 on an annual basis. The permit commences on January 1st and expires on the following December 31st therefore an application needs to be completed annually. A late fee of $5 shall be collected if the applicant fails to obtain a permit prior to April 1st of each year, or within 30 days of obtaining more than three (3) domestic animals. To obtain a permit, please fill out the application and bring it to the Police Department.