The Sheboygan Police Department is pleased to announce the release of its 2023 Annual Report. The report provides a snapshot of the Police Department’s accomplishments, challenges and key activities.
During 2023 we continued to spend a large amount of our time and resources responding to community needs and impacts related to the mental health in the community. We continued to see that the availability of services for those in the community needing assistance with mental health and substance use disorders, did not always meet demand or connections were not made. A significant amount of our calls for service involved responding to check welfare calls, assists and complaints related to mental health or substance use issues. In partnership with the Sheboygan County and Elevate we began a Co-Responder program that puts a social worker in the car with an Officer 16 hours a day to provide increased resources focused on crisis calls. We believe that in the long term we will see stronger partnerships and better services provided to our residents, leading to less repeat callers and more time to focus on other community issues such as traffic enforcement and neighborhood disorder.
In spite of these challenges we still experienced a reduction in Part 1 crimes during 2023 of 828 reported crimes in comparison to 852 in 2022 and 841 in 2021. The 828 Part 1 crimes reported in 2023 represents a 51 % reduction from the 1,690 reported in 2012. We also continued to see a positive trend in accidents with 1,390 reported in 2023 in comparison to 1,418 in 2022.
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