The Sheboygan Police Department will be hosting its 2015 Citizen Academy starting on March 12, 2015 and concluding May 21, 2015. The Citizen Academy is a very intentional and interactive course. It is designed to educate the public on the many facets of the role of a police officer. This includes learning about the process of the selection, hiring and training of police officers. The participants of the Citizen Academy will learn of police procedures and the criminal justice system. They will gain an insight into their community’s police officer. Participants will learn how the police department is part of and partners with the community to help make Sheboygan the safest community of its size.
The Citizen Academy will cover approximately 18 police related subjects including our Neighborhood Policing, environment and crime prevention, criminal investigations, disturbance investigations, traffic enforcement; high and low risk traffic stops, OWI enforcement, drug enforcement, the court system, defense and arrest tactics, and firearm instruction. There will be a number of dedicated instructors. There is not a cost to be part of the Citizen Academy. Classes will be held Thursday evenings from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Applications are available on the Sheboygan Police Department’s website for down loading or applying directly on-line. You may also stop in at the Sheboygan Police Department. Applications will be accepted until February 27, 2015.