The Sheboygan Police Department along with area lodging facilities recently initiated a program called “Sheboygan Safe Stay.” The initiative partners with the local lodging community to prevent crime and disorder at our lodging facilities. Sheboygan Safe Stay is an information sharing effort that focuses on communication between entities regarding problem or suspicious lodgers, reducing the probability of future nuisances and deterring suspected illegal activity. Local lodging facility management recognizes by communicating with one another and local law enforcement that this will continue to provide a safe environment and positive experience for overnight visitors.
The initiative continues efforts by the Sheboygan Police Department to collaborate with the community and build relationships that benefit the City of Sheboygan. The effort will include educating lodging employees on topics that affect both the community and law enforcement. Topics will include narcotic dealing, human trafficking and different types of organized crime. This will allow for an “extra set of eyes” within an environment that promotes comfort and privacy. By informing employees and making them aware, the potential to prevent illegal activity is increased along with decreasing the number of individuals who may consider staying with Sheboygan to conduct criminal activity due to the pro-active effort.