The Sheboygan Police Department is pleased to announce the release of its 2022 Annual Report. The report documents our challenges, accomplishments, and key activities for the year.
Part 1 crimes in the City of Sheboygan remained flat and 12% below 2020 and 50% below 2012. We also continued to see a positive trend in traffic accidents which remained under 1,500 for the third year in a row. During 2022 we increased our messaging, traffic enforcement and arrests, yet we continue to still see too much aggressive and distracted driving on our streets. As a community, we all need to take responsibility for improving our individual driving habits.
During 2022 we continued to advocate for additional resources and new response models. Working with our partners we were able to secure American Rescue Plan funding from both the city and county to fund a pilot co-response program in 2023 that will embed social workers in the Sheboygan Police Department for an alternative response to those in the community who are in crisis due to a Mental Health or substance abuse disorder. Our goals are to develop relationships and help connect these individuals with the resources that will keep them in the community and provide for better outcomes.
Click the link above for more details.